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Introducing Our First Ally: Victims For Justice

We are excited to announce that Victims For Justice is now a FashionPact Ally. Receiving their Ally Application was great news, because they are an amazing organization.

They describe themselves saying, "Victims For Justice is an independent non-profit working to ensure Alaskans affected by violent crime get the support they need and deserve. We help victims cope with trauma and grief, and ensure victim rights are observed within the judicial system."

On their website they say, "Victims for Justice offers free, confidential emotional support and practical advice to help victims and family members cope and recover following a traumatic event. We specialize in supporting victims of assault, robbery, arson, drunk driving and surviving family members of homicide victims."

What a great service they are providing to our community, and all of their services are provided free of charge. We are thankful for Victims for Justice, and look forward to working with them as a FashionPact Ally!

Please consider choosing this organization when you shop or donate at FashionPact. Click here to learn more about Victims For Justice.

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